10 tips for an effective website layout


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10 tips for an effective website layout​

An effective website layout is essential for attracting and retaining visitors to your website. By means of an attractive and user-friendly layout, you can make sure that visitors feel comfortable and navigate your website easily.

Does making an effective website layout yourself go beyond your technical cap? Then choose an easy website builder such as sitebuider at the bottom of this article. All the thinking has already been done for you! Otherwise, here are 10 tips for an effective website layout:

1. Make use of white space​

White space is the empty space between the different elements on your website. By using white space you ensure a calm and uncluttered appearance. Visitors like to be on a website where everything is well organized and where they are not distracted by too many elements on a page.

2. Keep it simple​

A simple website layout is often the most effective. Make sure the navigation and pages are clear. Visitors want to quickly find what they are looking for and will otherwise quickly drop out. A simple layout also ensures that your website loads faster.

3. Choose the right colors​

Colors have a major impact on the appearance of your website. Choose colors that suit your company and that radiate the right atmosphere. Make sure that the colors combine well with each other and that they are not too bright.

4. Make use of images​

Images can enhance the look of your website and help make the content visual. Make sure the images are of good quality and match the content of the page. However, too many images can again create a restless appearance.

5. Use clear fonts​

Fonts play an important role in the readability of your website. Make sure the fonts you use are legible on different devices. Choosing the right fonts and combinations thereof is critical to the readability of your website and the purpose of your website. Make sure that the user experience of your website is improved:

  • First of all, you need to make sure that the font you use is legible and suitable for online use. In general, sans-serif fonts such as Arial, Verdana, and Helvetica are recommended because they are easier to read on a screen than serif fonts.
  • In addition, it is important to use the right combination of fonts. It is recommended that you use no more than two different fonts to avoid cluttering the design of your website. A common combination is a sans-serif font for the headings and a serif font for the body text. This creates a good readable contrast between the two elements.
  • It's also important to consider font size and line spacing. A font that is too small can be tiring for the reader's eyes, and a font that is too large can hinder the readability of the text. So the size of the font should be adjusted according to the needs of the user and the design of the website.
  • Finally, you should also take into account the color of the font. Make sure that the contrast between the text and the background is sufficient so that the text remains legible. A contrast ratio of 4.5:1 between text and background is generally recommended.

6. Use white space between paragraphs​

White space between paragraphs creates an uncluttered look and makes the content easier to read. Make sure that the white space between the paragraphs is not too large, otherwise this can cause a restless look.

7. Make the most important information prominent​

Important information should always be clearly visible on your website. For example, place this information on the homepage or at the top of the page. Also make sure that this information stands out with a striking color or other visual element.

8. Provide clear navigation​

Clear navigation is essential for a user-friendly website. Make sure that the navigation is clearly visible and that the different pages are arranged logically. For example, use a drop-down menu to organize the different pages.

9. Make sure there is a good balance between text and images​

A good balance between text and images ensures an attractive and well-arranged website layout. Too much text can scare the visitor, while too many images make the website cluttered. Make sure you have a good mix of text and images, where the images support the text.

10 Make your website 'responsive'​

More and more people use their smartphone or tablet to visit websites. Make sure that your website can also be viewed well on these devices. A responsive website automatically adjusts to the size of the screen and provides a user-friendly experience for all visitors. Responsive design is thus an approach to web design that focuses on creating an optimal user experience regardless of the device on which the website is viewed. With the growing use of mobile devices and different screen sizes, it has become important to design websites that adapt to the size of the screen they are viewed on. Responsive design makes this possible by using flexible layouts, images and fonts that automatically adjust to the size of the screen.

The goal of responsive design is to present the content of a website in a clear and accessible way, regardless of the user's device. This means that the content of a website adapts to the screen size, without the user having to zoom in or scroll horizontally. This provides a better user experience and increases the likelihood that users will stay longer on the website and return.
When designing a responsive website, it's important to start with a mobile-friendly layout and then adapt the content and design to larger screen sizes. This requires good planning and strategy, taking into account the different devices and screen sizes used to view the website. All in all, responsive design offers many benefits for both users and website owners. It makes it possible to provide a consistent and optimal user experience regardless of the device on which the website is viewed. However, it does require the necessary planning and strategy to ensure that the website works optimally on all devices.

Get started with your effective website layout​

An effective website layout is of great importance for attracting and retaining visitors to your website. By using white space, a simple layout, the right colors, images, clear fonts, white space between paragraphs, prominently placing important information, clear navigation, a good balance between text and images and making your website responsive. website, you can make visitors feel comfortable and navigate your website with ease. Apply these tips and make your website an attractive and user-friendly place for your visitors.