10 useful WordPress plugins


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10 useful WordPress plugins​

WordPress is a simple CMS that makes it possible for anyone to create a website. You can install a specific theme or template and then edit the design yourself. There are also a large number of plugins with which you can expand the website. In this article we describe 10 useful WordPress plugins.

1.GZIP Ninja Speed Compression​

One of the best WordPress plugins to speed up the loading time of your website is GZIP Ninja Speed Compression. This plugin packs parts of your website into a ZIP file and sends it to the website visitor's browser. This browser then unpacks the files, making the website visible to the website visitor. Since large files do not have to be sent using GZIP Ninja Speed Compression, this plugin ensures that the loading time of your website improves. This is not only nice for your website visitors, but you will also achieve higher rankings in the search engines.

2. ZenCache​

ZenCache also belongs to the list of good WordPress plugins to improve the speed of your website. The plugin takes real-time shots of your site's pages and stores them in a cache. These images can be retrieved later and this saves a lot of loading time. In this way, ZenCache makes your website a lot faster.

3. Google Analytics​

If you have created a WordPress website, you naturally want to know how many visitors your site gets. You can measure this using Google Analytics. First you must create an account with Aanlytics yourself and create a new property via 'Administrator'. You can then easily link your website to this using the Google Analytics plugin. You can now view the visitor numbers via your Google Analytics account. If you also want an overview of the visitor numbers in your WordPress dashboard, you can install the Google Analytics Dashboard for WP plugin.

4. InfiniteWP​

InfiniteWP is probably one of the most time-saving WordPress plugins. Via the InfiniteWP website you can install admin panel on one of your WordPress sites (invisible to visitors). You can then link your websites to it using the InfiniteWP plugin. You can now install WordPress updates and plugin updates on all your sites via this panel with one mouse click.

5. Contact Form 7​

Not all WordPress themes are equipped with a contact form. Fortunately, you can install various plugins that allow you to place a contact form on your website. Contact Form 7 is one of the best WordPress plugins for forms. You can easily create a simple form with this, where you can choose from different input fields. Few people have had problems with this plugin, so you can be almost certain that a response to the contact form will actually end up in your mailbox.

6.WordPress SEO​

WordPress SEO is actually an indispensable WordPress plugin. It ensures that you can enter a meta title and meta description for every page and every post. These are the title and description that appear in the search results on search engines. You can also set a focus keyword and then let the plugin do a page analysis. WordPress SEO then measures whether this keyword appears sufficiently on the page or in the message.

7. SEO Smart Links​

Internal links are important for good navigation on your website. This is not only good for the website visitors, but also for the search engines. If you place many articles on your website, it can be a lot of work to enter the links separately. Fortunately, with SEO Smart Links you no longer have to spend much time on this. With this plugin you can enter links to the individual pages and set the anchor texts for this. SEO Smart Links then automatically adds these links to new articles if you include the anchor texts.

8. Broken Link Checker​

Every website manager comes across it at some point: a link on his website that no longer works. The link may have been entered incorrectly or the page it refers to no longer exists. With the WordPress plugin Broken Link Checker you can scan your website for links that no longer work. This way you don't have to check every link yourself!

9. Social Media Auto Publish​

Do you always post your blog texts on your social media profiles? Then you can save a lot of time with the help of the Social Media Auto Publish plugin! This allows you to link your website to your social media accounts and set a message with a link to be automatically placed on your profiles when a new blog post is posted. The WordPress plugin also places the photo of your blog article with these posts.

10. AddThis​

If you have posted a new product or written a nice blog text, it is of course very nice if it is shared on social media. However, few people bother to open their account in a new page and then post the link. Fortunately, you can make it a lot easier for your website visitors with various WordPress plugins with share buttons, of which AddThis is one of the better ones. With this plugin you can easily install a number of share buttons for Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest, for example, on your products and blog posts.

With these 10 WordPress plugins you can add many extra functions to your WordPress website. However, there are many more plugins available and often free. If you cannot find a certain function in your theme, you can always check whether a WordPress plugin is available for this. Go on a voyage of discovery and discover which WordPress plugins are available!